Throughout this month we have studied the 8 Beatitudes in Matthew 5. These Beatitudes are the first of Jesus’ five teachings known as The Sermons on the Mount. These verses offer guidance and direction for Christians for what they should value and trust and where their source of Joy comes from.
We are blessed only because of our connection to Christ and because of the sacrifice that He made for us on the cross. And with the free gift that He has offered us, it is completely up to us to make the choice to receive it and walk in the newness that this Gift brings. We cannot work hard enough for it and we cannot earn it. The truth is that none of us even come close to deserving it. But God’s love for us made a way for us to be redeemed and made righteous in His sight when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. This, my friend, is why we are blessed. Not because of even our best efforts but only as a result of Jesus.
Does this state of being blessed mean that life immediately does a 180 and struggles cease? Unfortunately not! It does however mean that in the midst of the painful heartaches and disruptions we can turn our eyes to Jesus and allow Him to be the calm to our storm.
Jesus offers His Joy and peace to all who surrender their lives to him. So what is our part? What do we do after we become Christians?
Notice that I didn’t say that we seek Him, and life suddenly becomes easy. Rather we make a conscious intentional decision to focus on Him during each and every moment of our lives because again, He is the One who gives us the strength to walk through the valleys and the storms with the same joy and peace that we feel on the mountaintops and the brightest of days.
So how are we to live out and trust that we are blessed in any and all situations?
Take a few minutes to read Matthew 14: 22-32
Life can be filled with moments of great excitement and intense despair. That I can just about guarantee to you. I know this because I have experienced it for myself. And in the dark pit is where hopelessness seeks to hold us captive. But here –the blessed ones need only turn their focus back to Jesus and reach out their hand.
Psalm 55:22 tells us that you can “Cast your burdens on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”
Deuteronomy 31:8 tells us “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
The Bible is filled with God’s promises. Don’t believe me?
Open it and read it for yourselves. In good times and bad, His Word is our strength and hope. One day, all Christians will get to walk into the New Heavens and the New Earth and live in perfection with Jesus. But for now, we are here –laboring in the fields for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
But one day we will rest in a place free from pain and suffering –but for now my friend –there is work to be done. And what a blessing it is to be chosen by the Almighty to play a small part in his Ultimate Plan.
Read the Previous September Blogs!
Week 1: Passage Study: A Blessed Life
Week 2: 3 Things to Remember About Living Your Best Life