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In an attempt to make the navigation of the reading as easy as possible, all of the verses have been pulled from and linked appropriately so that you can simply click highlighted words and be taken directly to the verse.


To begin, click the link below to read the passage that we will be diving into and studying together this month.

  • Book: Colossians

  • Author: Apostle Paul

  • Date Written: Around AD 60

  • Genre: Prison Epistle

  • Purpose: Paul wrote this letter to the church at Colossae to correct the false teachings in this church that were causing problems.

  • Key Verses: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7


Thanksgiving is by far one of my favorite holidays. It involves all my favorites –fall weather, family time, cooking, and eating traditional meals, but most importantly it is a season of giving thanks. It is during this season that I often stop to think about this idea of thankfulness.

What are you most thankful for?

Lifeway Research did a study in 2020 titled, “Americans Most Thankful for and to Family This Thanksgiving.” ( Unsurprising to me, the results showed that Family, Health, and Friends came in at the very top of the list. Truthfully, I would say those were mine as well.

But as I read Colossians, the words of the Apostle Paul to the church at Colossae caused me to think further into this topic of gratitude and thankfulness. As Paul writes, he warns Christians to be on guard and to resist the false teachings that contrast with the truths of Christ that they were originally taught.

He reminds them that they have “received Christ Jesus the Lord” and because of this they are to "walk in him". They have “received” Christ which means that they have received His free gift of Salvation. And because of this, they are to walk through or live out their lives in obedience to Jesus. Paul reminds them that they are “rooted and built up in him.” To be rooted in Christ means that their lives were planted in the truth of who Jesus is. Through their connection to Christ as their Lord, they found their strength in Him. And through His strength, their lives were built day by day on the solid, steady, unshakeable foundation of their Savior.

The same applies to all who receive Jesus and their personal Lord and Savior –past, present, and future.

And because of this, in our walk as Christians, we are:

Rooted in Jesus

Built up in the strength and power of Christ.

Established and fixed securely in a relationship with Him.

And here is where we find thanksgiving –not just thanksgiving, but in this place with Christ, our Savior, we are “abounding in thanksgiving.”

We are overflowing with gratitude for what He has done for us.

Bursting with thankfulness for what we are because of Him.

And overwhelmed in the best conceivable way because of the unfathomable, undeserved love He has for us.

And as I glance back over the research of what I along with most other Americans are most thankful for –I am reminded that while it is completely acceptable to be grateful for family, health, and friends –none of these would even exist without God. It is only because of His sovereign perfection and magnificent creation that we are here, not by accident or happenstance, but with a plan and a purpose. We were all created by God the God of the Universe who knows and loves us. We are His children and because of the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, we have been offered Salvation and the promise of eternity with Him in glory. And because of this, I am exceedingly thankful.


Would you pray with me?

Father in Heaven,

I praise you because you are God. You are all-knowing, all-powerful, unending, and all-sufficient. You are the Creator of all things and even when nothing seems to make sense, we can rest in your promises knowing that you are fully in control and your plan will never fail.

And as we walk into this season of the year, I pray that we walk in you -- rooted, built up, and established in the faith that we have been taught. And because of this, we are exceedingly and eternally grateful for the unshakeable foundation and strength that we have as your children.



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