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Do you think that all decisions (big or small) matter in some way?

How many choices do you think that you make in a day? I would guess that if we stopped to count, we would be quite surprised by the result. Because in reality, our days are comprised of many small decisions that seem insignificant and maybe some of them are, but somehow, I doubt it. I think they all matter to some degree –in some way.

As I reflected on some of the choices that I made throughout the week, I realized that some were little, some were big, and some were just plain exhausting. Nonetheless, they were all choices that I made consciously and subconsciously.

I pondered through some of these decisions, and it did not take long to realize that almost every single one revealed the state of my heart and what it was devoted to at that moment.

  • The time I decided to set my alarm to revealed what I planned to put first in my day and how much time I allotted for it.

  • My food choices show my concern for the health of my body.

  • The books I had chosen to read showed what interested me and held my attention.

  • The hobbies I chose to spend time doing, indicated their priority level in my life.

As I sorted out the moments of the past week, I realized that life is filled with choices and they all matter. Because one by one they paint a picture of who we are, who we love, what we enjoy, what we are concerned about, and what we view as right or wrong.

At the core of each of us, are reasons why we choose to take the paths we do. The time my alarm goes off, my food intake, the books I read, and the hobbies I enjoy are not decided upon accidentally or by happenstance. And while they may seem insignificant they aren’t. Instead, these moments and so many more bi-products of the condition of my heart.

In John 16:31, Jesus responds to the disciples’ confession of belief by saying,

“Do you now believe?”

At first glance, this may seem like a simple question, but in all actuality, it was a question that demonstrated that the disciples had a choice. They could choose to believe or not believe. But their answer to that one question would impact everything.

You see, our days are comprised of many small decisions that seem insignificant and maybe some of them are, but somehow, I doubt it. I think they all matter to some degree –in some way.

Tomorrow I will finish my monthly Bible reading plan: “Finding Joy in January”, but today I choose to rest in “The Purpose of This Book” which is the heading of the last passage in John 20:30-31.

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (Bolded by me for emphasis)

This, my friend, is the most important decision you will ever make because it will impact every other one that follows.

Does choosing to believe transform you into perfection? Certainly not. The only perfection that walked this earth is Jesus.

  • However, the realization of our insufficiencies should not defeat us.

  • Our struggles should not derail us.

  • Our failures are not meant to crush us.

  • Instead, as followers of Jesus Christ, this reality should allow us to walk in humility because according to John 15:5, apart from God, we can do nothing.

As you walk through the day, reflect on the choices that you are presented with and the decisions that you make. And wherever you find yourself today, would you allow me to pray for you?

Dear Jesus,

I praise you and give you all of the honor and glory for those who have chosen to “believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” (John 11:27). I pray that you would give them wisdom, endurance, perseverance, and strength in abundance so that they may walk boldly in faith on the mountaintop and the valley as well. I pray for those who have not yet chosen to surrender their lives and trust that “you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” I pray that you would open their eyes to the truth of who you are, impress upon their hearts, and create within them an intense desire to follow you all the days of their lives, and may the whole earth be filled with your glory! Amen and Amen! (Psalm 72:19)


Did you know that Joyfully HIS has a newly released book series?

Finding Joy Throughout the Year is a twelve-book series that will take you on a one-year, month-by-month journey toward a deeper connection to God and His Word. This book is an invitation to delve into God’s Word, by pursuing a daily walk with the Lord. And through the wisdom, knowledge, and strength that He offers, we grow more into the image of Him who created us to worship Him.

These books are available to purchase as paperback or to download digitally and print from home.

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Joyfully HIS,

Jennifer N. Pearson

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